IPQualityScore allows you to report fraudulent IP addresses, email addresses, phone numbers, transactions, and similar user data through our Fraud Fusion™ program. Data passed through this API endpoint trains your account's machine learning algorithms that identify high risk behavior among your users, clicks, and transactions. Fraud reports are used by our machine learning artificial intelligence engines to make better decisions on risk analysis for future scoring. We recommend using this fraud reporting API to submit all of your existing bad data, such as abusive users and fraudulent ecommerce payments.
Blacklist Data Sharing
Please refer to our Terms of Service on how this data is used across the IPQS network to improve scoring for all IPQS clients. All data is anonymized and stored using secure protocols.
The URLs below can be used to fetch the result using cURL or another utility in most languages. Please see the usage example at the bottom of the page.
NOTE: For a description of each field listed above please consult the response documentation below.
NOTE: For a description of each field listed above please consult the response documentation below.
Example errors that you may encounter when accessing our API due to an exhausted credit balance or an invalid IP address.
Any of the parameters below may be used to report a user for fraudulent activity. At least one of these parameters is required. Request ID is preferred for the best data collection and machine learning results.
Field | Description | Possible Values |
ip | The IPv4 or IPv6 address you wish to report. (optional, one required) | IPv4/IPv6 in standard dot/colon notation |
The email address you wish to report. (optional, one required) | Email Address (string) | |
request_id | The Request ID you wish to report. (optional, one required) | string |
phone | The 9 to 20 digit phone number you wish to report. Must include country field below.(optional, one required, required with country below) | telephone number (number) |
country | The 2 letter country code (preferred method) or full properly formatted name (capitalization and spacing required) of the phone number you wish to report. Must include phone field above.(optional, one required, required with phone above) | country code (string) |
The request parameters below can be included optionally in addition to any of the above required parameters. These variables can contain user, lead, or transaction details.
Key | Expected Values | Description |
billing_first_name | String | The customer's billing first name. |
billing_last_name | String | The customer's billing last name. |
billing_company | String | The customer's billing company. |
billing_country | String | The customer's billing country name or billing country ISO-Alpha2. (EG: United States or US) |
billing_address_1 | String | The customer's billing street address part 1. |
billing_address_2 | String | The customer's billing street address part 2. |
billing_city | String | The customer's billing city. |
billing_region | String | The customer's billing region or state. |
billing_postcode | String / Number | The customer's billing postcode or zipcode. |
billing_email | String | The customer's billing email address. |
billing_phone | Number | The customer's billing 11 to 14 digit phone number. (If less than 10 digits provided, the country code will be guessed by our AI.) |
shipping_first_name | String | The customer's shipping first name. |
shipping_last_name | String | The customer's shipping last name. |
shipping_company | String | The customer's shipping company. |
shipping_country | String | The customer's shipping country name or shipping country ISO-Alpha2. (EG: United States or US) |
shipping_address_1 | String | The customer's shipping street address part 1. |
shipping_address_2 | String | The customer's shipping street address part 2. |
shipping_city | String | The customer's shipping city. |
shipping_region | String | The customer's shipping region or state. |
shipping_postcode | String / Number | The customer's shipping postcode or zipcode. |
shipping_email | String | The customer's shipping email address. |
shipping_phone | Number | The customer's shipping 11 to 14 digit phone number. (If less than 10 digits provided, the country code will be guessed by our AI.) |
username | String | The customer's username. |
password_hash | SHA256 / string | For security reasons and following industry best practices, a SHA256 hash of the user's password for better user analysis. |
credit_card_bin | Number | First six digits of the credit or debit card, referred to ask the Bank Identification Number. |
credit_card_hash | SHA256 / string | For security reasons and following industry best practices, a SHA256 hash of the credit card number is accepted to check against blacklisted cards. |
credit_card_expiration_month | Number | Two letter format of the credit card's expiration month. For example, May would be "05". |
credit_card_expiration_year | Number | Two letter format of the credit card's expiration year. For example, 2022 would be "22". |
avs_code | Number | One letter Address Verification Service (AVS) response code provided by the credit card processor or bank. |
cvv_code | Number | One letter Card Verification Value (CVV2) response code provided by the credit card processor or bank. |
order_amount | Number | Total balance of the entire order without currency symbols. |
order_quantity | Number | Quantity of items for this order. |
recurring | boolean | Is this a recurring order that automatically rebills? |
recurring_times | Number | If this is a recurring order, then how many times has this recurring order rebilled? For example, if this is the third time the user is being billed, please enter this value as "3". If this is the initial recurring order, please leave the value as blank or enter "1". |
The response values will confirm successful receipt of the reported data.
Field | Description | Possible Values |
request_id | A unique identifier for this request that can be used to lookup the request details or send a postback conversion notice. | string |
message | A generic status message, either success or some form of an error notice. | string |
success | Was the request successful? | boolean |